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Academic programs
  1. designtest
  2. Design
  3. Plastic Arts
  4. Music and Musicology
  5. restauration des Biens culturels
  6. Mastères
Cultural Activities

The Institute

The InstituteDirector speech

The higher institute of Arts and Crafts of Gabes is on institution affiliated to the university of Gabes and it has its financial independence. It is one of a network of high education institutes that are spread all over the country.

The institution was founded by a decree n°1912 in 2001 published in the Official Journal of the Republic of Tunisia dated in 24 August 2001. In 2011-2012 it moved to its new building which is located at the University Campus and which contains different workshops responding to the needs of different specialties and modern technological means in addition to teaching rooms for theoretical disciplines.

The establishment of the institute aims at providing different assets in different artistic fields opening onto environment for students that are trained to practice crafts that are classified under artisanal creativity for a period of five years after tha baccalaureate, three of which are at license level and two for master degree.

The institute guarantees an academic training in the specialty of fine arts, and crafts and music, which are regarded as promising specialties with important future employability.

The training combines both the artistic and technical dimensions with a vision betting on the ability to cape with the novelties in economical, social and cultural fields.

Henceforth, one of the main goals of the institute was to establish an effective partnership and sign collaborative conventions with different partners.

This is done in order to provide students with occasions of innovation and creation either with the institute clubs or through exhibitions. This is sustained by the existence of three social associations according to specialties (Association of Arts of Oasis and its Culture, Association of Tunisian Design, Association of Music) and these associations contribute in restoring this orientation.


Mr Hafedh Abderrahim