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Academic programs
  1. designtest
  2. Design
  3. Plastic Arts
  4. Music and Musicology
  5. restauration des Biens culturels
  6. Mastères
Cultural Activities

Academic Programs

Academic ProgramsMusic and Musicology

The Head of department speech :

The department of music was established according to a decree postdated in 6 January 2001 in the Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts of Gabes. it started in the academic year 2005-2006 with the first class of students who were wishing to get professorship diplomas in music and musicology after being submitted to an oral exam.

With the implementation of “LMD” system, students get a fundamental license instead of professorship.

The training is based on theoretical and practical subjects related to music and its sciences.

The creation of this department aims at :

  • Enhancing scientific researches in the field of musicology through elite of researchers in this domain.
  • Participating in keeping, studying and spreading musical patrimony especially the non-material patrimony and concentrating basically on the patrimonial reserve provided in South East area through field studies.
  • Providing the elementary and secondary education sector with music professors and preparing them in pedagogical and educational sides.
  • Improving the national musical scene with professional instrumentalists in different kinds of music.
  • Establishing partnership with different researchers and cultural institutions in Tunisia and abroad (since 2008, there was an exchange with the High Institute of Valence of France in field training in the specialized pedagogy and the science of education.)

Mr Souei Monji

First year :


Second year :


Third year :